What is Advanced Search?

This is a detailed search and will give you better results. Options on mother tongue, physical status, location, horoscope and lifestyle besides age, height, marital status, regional sites, religion, caste/division, subcaste, citizenship, country living in, education and 'show results posted on' will be displayed. You can save up to three saved searches that will be displayed on the right hand corner. Login using your Matrimony/e-mail ID and Password. Click on Advanced Search link.


How to register? Login to www.sajansarita.com
You can choose to register either as a free member or as a paid member. Free registration Provide name, age, gender, e-mail ID. Click on Register link and you will have to enter on a couple of pages the details of the person intending to get married. After you submit your information, your profile will be automatically created and you shall be given a 'Matrimony ID' generated for future references and login purposes.   Paid registration Provide name, age, gender, e-mail ID. Click on Register link and you will have to enter details of the person intending to get married. Choose package for the required period. Click on Join Now link and you will find a page on which you could enter the details of the person intending to get married. You shall have a 'Matrimony ID' generated for further references and login purposes. What is profile validation? All the profiles are validated before inclusion in the database. Express Validation of profile will take just 1 Hour Turn Around Time. Our support team meticulously validates each and every profile carefully on specific criterion before it is added to our database. E-mail will be sent to you once the profile is validated and added. What all information from my profile will be displayed to other members? Free members can view only some of your details. They cannot view your mobile number, horoscope, etc. Paid members can view all your details. Can I use the same e-mail ID for multiple registrations? No, You can not create a more than one profiles using the same e-mail ID.      

What is Quick Search?

Quick search enables search of profiles through gender, domain, caste, age, and profiles with photo.

What is Regular Search?

This is a general search based on age, height, marital status, regional sites, religion, caste/division, subcaste, citizenship, country living in, education and 'show results posted on'. Login using your Matrimony/e-mail ID and Password. Select based on options provided.


What is Quick Search? Quick search enables search of profiles through gender, domain, caste, age, and profiles with photo. What is Regular Search? This is a general search based on age, height, marital status, regional sites, religion, caste/division, subcaste, citizenship, country living in, education and 'show results posted on'. Login using your Matrimony/e-mail ID and Password. Select based on options provided. What is Advanced Search? This is a detailed search and will give you better results. Options on mother tongue, physical status, location, horoscope and lifestyle besides age, height, marital status, regional sites, religion, caste/division, subcaste, citizenship, country living in, education and 'show results posted on' will be displayed. You can save up to three saved searches that will be displayed on the right hand corner. Login using your Matrimony/e-mail ID and Password. Click on Advanced Search link. Search by Member ID Enter the Matrimony ID of the member whose profile you would like to see. Click on View Profile link.

How do I short-list profiles? Login using your 'Matrimony/e-mail ID' and 'Password'.
Select "Search" option, enter the ID of the member in 'By Member Matrimony ID' option.
Select the "Short-list" option, add comments and click the "Submit" button.
The profile will be added to your list of short-listed profiles.
You can add a comment while short-listing the profiles.
The profiles will be displayed with an image along with your comments during the search and view operations. How do I view/delete short-listed profiles? Login using your Matrimony ID/E-mail ID and Password. In the My Home page, under Lists, click on the members I have short-listed link to view the profiles you have short-listed. To delete profiles from your shortlist, select the profile or profiles you'd like to delete and click on the Delete link. How do I ignore/forward/print profiles? Login using your 'Matrimony/e-mail ID' and 'Password.'
Go to My Matches or do a search.
Opt for viewing full profile.
You will find options to ignore/forward/print profile. I get the error "No matching records found" while searching for the profiles.Why is that so? Please check your search criteria when you receive this message. If you are searching for a particular subcaste, try rephrasing your spellings. We suggest you to use partial names or try all the possible spellings in the subcaste field, for example: Brahmin, Bramin, Iyer, etc. to get profiles of a particular subcaste.
If you have used date options in the search, please check the dates entered. For Example, in the "When Posted" option ensure that you have not entered a future date by mistake.  

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